Nima Future xeno is a random to us and extinct and lavish probably don’t know him. me neither l, i just see him lurking around in chat
Nima Scorpius i don’t really understand your point, so you are saying my clan isn’t active because we don’t talk in public channels as much as we do in the private channels, if that is your point i’m loosing brain cells
Future Nima *losing LOL nah but fr I have to go with u on this one. We have a member chat that’s somewhat active but that doesn’t make the server inactive just cos guests can’t see it...
Scorpius Nima if u say its "ACTIVE" we could say that too that we talk so much in "private channels" what its the point to tell that we are inactive bcs u dont see us in the server "2 play each day" rlly tho i rarely see ur mates from ur clan.
Nima Mistik Scorpius bruh that grammar, but anyways i said we are active for a 7 man clan so far and that’s kinda ironic because i was playing nearly all day today when i was free and only saw chary that’s it 😅
Scorpius Nima all u can say its just"grammar"thats it? and the only one that was playing today was just you right?
Nima Scorpius idk you kinda ignored what i said after that, but actually the whole clan played today and it was fun as usual. Improving together as we go you can say, no one getting left behind 👀