dankRazor Heavenly 😆 yep i know, ive wasted a lot of mass doing 256 cannons and reverses but hey, ive landed some pretty sick clips doing them before
Grimorio Risky when you get your own mass, safe when your teammate gave the mass cus these players cry when you loss their mass even if u get it again in like 3 min
Future TheFusion that makes it really easy to kill you, I can just wait for you to try something and get free mass
dankRazor Future lol i risk so much and 90% of them is a win so it breaks even for me on the mass chart
Nima I understand YouTubers yolo,but i don't really get it for normal players. i guess if that's how they want to play like they should but they shouldn't follow others influencer's because that's what they do
dankRazor Nima well its not all luck and risk, yolo's are 25% luck, 25% timing, 25% skill, and 25% risk