Why is it that every time I try to pop someone with a virus a bot gets in the way or try's to block it or when I try to spawn my other cell it try's to eat it and not let it get to me I don't understand why you would program them to do that its literally the most annoying thing ever it never happens to anyone else had so many times where I could've popped someone but a bot insists on blocking me or trying to hover my other cell

Maybe stop random virusing, and quit the game. You're worst NA, worst than Andy and Jano and you random team to help EP+ and ST kill solo players. Quit the game. you're the worst player i've ever seen. random teaming against solos with teams of 5+

    Also your pfp is ugly af. what skinny little boy decides to take off his shirt and take a selfie?

      Acccezz aren't you the dipshit that was teaming up first tho it literally takes like 4 of you to take me down ofc imma team with Randoms someone seems salty asf all you do is have your circle jerk buddy feed you till you're 20k then hover and virus tf out of everyone what are you like 11

      Acccezz a pile a shit probably looks better than your face wtf is your pfp a fucking dune buggy lmafo someone is salty asffffff get a life you loser

      4?? I am solo 99% of the time. I was multiboxing. Multiboxing in a mode designed to team with yourself is not a form of teaming. Anyone can do it. Just open 2 browsers. Also you're the one bringing viruses across the map spamming me with hundreds of them. I almost never virused, kid

        Acccezz this skinny little boy get more pussy in a month then you will ever in your lifetime you probably beat your little wee wee everyday wishing you can get some puss sit your salty ass down kid i mustve shitted on you for you to be this mad awwwnnn did i interrupt your little server takeover 🙁(((( maybe actually get good at the game kiddo

        My pfp isn't of a dune buggy, it's a rocket league car with Titanium White Apex's and White Octane which at the time of when I got them, they were worth 600+ dollars

          Bro, i'm not salty, also you never "shitted on me" You could never beat me so you random team with ST and EP members. You saying "kid i mustve shitted on you for you to be this mad" Is just delusional. You and I both know you never did and never could kill me so you're talking out your ass

          Acccezz idk wtf you just said but that just proves to me you're a virgin now get your titanium ass tf on you salt shaker and get good

          Acccezz yea my ass its called dual not quad you're pretty much botting on a smaller level every time I kill you 3 secs later you already have 20k like wtf

          "every time I kill you 3 secs later you already have 20k like wtf" You killed me literally 1 time when you were random teaming with 2 kids. I've killed you 30+ times. "yea my ass its called dual not quad you're pretty much botting on a smaller level" You can also play on 2 different windows to make 4 cells, you're just not skilled enough. It's a basic mechanic I use to kill randoms like you. Once you get on my level maybe you can learn to multibox. Otherwise, either learn basic English or stop talking to me

            Acccezz lhh whatever kid you probably think you're actually something get a fucking life